EuroBale Ltd Policy Statement

EuroBale Ltd was set up in 1995 to supply high quality, dust free forage to the performance horse industry in the United Kingdom. EuroBale Ltd believes in sound environmental practice.  This makes very good commercial sense as the end product is a total product of the environment and its quality is directly linked to it. The farming manufacturing and delivery aspects of the business will have an impact on the environment but we are committed to reducing this impact. We will seek to integrate this policy when we:-

  • Buy new material
  • Change manufacturing and packing technology
  • Promote this to our clients, e.g. make the recycling of our product more attractive.
  • In the growing of the product minimising use of fossil fuels, artificial fertilisers and agro-chemicals.

This will be reviewed regularly. The purpose of this statement is to make clear to the customers and suppliers our commitment to recognising the impact we have on the environment and our belief in trying to negate that impact.  This policy is to apply to all at EuroBale Ltd. The responsibility for overseeing its policy is Company Director, Mr Richard Brooks.